Get started

Get started with RedisVL

RedisVL is a versatile Python library with an integrated CLI, which is designed to enhance AI applications implemented using Redis. This guide will walk you through the following steps:

  1. Define an IndexSchema.
  2. Prepare a sample dataset.
  3. Create a SearchIndex object.
  4. Test rvl CLI functionality.
  5. Load the sample data.
  6. Build VectorQuery objects and execute searches.
  7. Update a SearchIndex object.
This document is a converted form of this Jupyter notebook.

Before beginning, be sure of the following:

  1. You have installed RedisVL and have that environment activated.
  2. You have a running Redis instance with the search and query capability.

Define an IndexSchema

The IndexSchema maintains crucial index configuration and field definitions to enable search with Redis. For ease of use, the schema can be constructed from a Python dictionary or a YAML file.

Example schema creation

Consider a dataset with user information, including job, age, credit_score, and a three-dimensional user_embedding vector.

You must decide on a Redis index name and key prefix to use for this dataset. Below are example schema definitions in both YAML and Python dict formats.

YAML definition:

version: '0.1.0'

  name: user_simple
  prefix: user_simple_docs

    - name: user
      type: tag
    - name: credit_store
      type: tag
    - name: job
      type: text
    - name: age
      type: numeric
    - name: user_embedding
      type: vector
        algorithm: flat
        dims: 3
        distance_metric: cosine
        datatype: float32

Store this information in a local file, such as schema.yaml, for use with RedisVL.

Python dictionary:

schema = {
    "index": {
        "name": "user_simple",
        "prefix": "user_simple_docs",
    "fields": [
        {"name": "user", "type": "tag"},
        {"name": "credit_score", "type": "tag"},
        {"name": "job", "type": "text"},
        {"name": "age", "type": "numeric"},
            "name": "user_embedding",
            "type": "vector",
            "attrs": {
                "dims": 3,
                "distance_metric": "cosine",
                "algorithm": "flat",
                "datatype": "float32"

Sample dataset preparation

Below, create a mock dataset with user, job, age, credit_score, and user_embedding fields. The user_embedding vectors are synthetic examples for demonstration purposes.

For more information on creating real-world embeddings, refer to this article.

import numpy as np

data = [
        'user': 'john',
        'age': 1,
        'job': 'engineer',
        'credit_score': 'high',
        'user_embedding': np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.5], dtype=np.float32).tobytes()
        'user': 'mary',
        'age': 2,
        'job': 'doctor',
        'credit_score': 'low',
        'user_embedding': np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.5], dtype=np.float32).tobytes()
        'user': 'joe',
        'age': 3,
        'job': 'dentist',
        'credit_score': 'medium',
        'user_embedding': np.array([0.9, 0.9, 0.1], dtype=np.float32).tobytes()

As seen above, the sample user_embedding vectors are converted into bytes using the NumPy Python package.

Create a SearchIndex

With the schema and sample dataset ready, create a SearchIndex:

from redisvl.index import SearchIndex

index = SearchIndex.from_dict(schema)
# or use .from_yaml('schema_file.yaml')

Now we also need to create a Redis connection. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Create and manage your own client connection (recommended).
  • Provide a simple Redis URL and let RedisVL connect on your behalf.

Bring your own Redis connection instance

This is ideal in scenarios where you have custom settings on the connection instance or if your application will share a connection pool:

from redis import Redis

client = Redis.from_url("redis://localhost:6379")

# optionally provide an async Redis client object to enable async index operations

Let the index manage the connection instance

This is ideal for simple cases:

# optionally use an async client by passing use_async=True

Create the underlying index

Now that there's a connection to Redis, run the create command.


Note: at this point, the index has no associated data. Data loading follows.

Inspect with the rvl command

Use the rvl CLI command to inspect the newly-created index and its fields:

$ rvl index listall
18:25:34 [RedisVL] INFO   Indices:
18:25:34 [RedisVL] INFO   1. user_simple
$ rvl index info -i user_simple

 Index Name    Storage Type    Prefixes              Index Options      Indexing 
 user_simple   HASH            ['user_simple_docs']  []                        0 
Index Fields:
 Name            Attribute       Type     Field Option    Option Value   
 user            user            TAG      SEPARATOR       ,              
 credit_score    credit_score    TAG      SEPARATOR       ,              
 job             job             TEXT     WEIGHT          1              
 age             age             NUMERIC                                 
 user_embedding  user_embedding  VECTOR                                  

Load data to SearchIndex

Load the sample dataset to Redis:

keys = index.load(data)



By default, load will create a unique Redis key as a combination of the index key prefix and a UUID. You can also customize the key by providing direct keys or pointing to a specified id_field on load.

Update the index with new data

Update data using the load method:

# Add more data
new_data = [{
    'user': 'tyler',
    'age': 9,
    'job': 'engineer',
    'credit_score': 'high',
    'user_embedding': np.array([0.1, 0.3, 0.5], dtype=np.float32).tobytes()
keys = index.load(new_data)



Create VectorQuery objects

Next, create a vector query object for your newly-populated index. This example will use a simple vector to demonstrate how vector search works. Vectors in production will likely be much larger than three floating point numbers and often require machine learning models (e.g., Huggingface sentence transformers) or an embeddings API (e.g., Cohere and OpenAI). RedisVL provides a set of vectorizers to assist with vector creation.

from redisvl.query import VectorQuery
from jupyterutils import result_print

query = VectorQuery(
    vector=[0.1, 0.1, 0.5],
    return_fields=["user", "age", "job", "credit_score", "vector_distance"],

Executing queries

With your VectorQuery object defined, you can execute the query over the SearchIndex using the query method.

results = index.query(query)

Using an asynchronous Redis client

The AsyncSearchIndex class, along with an asynchronous Redis Python client, provides for asynchronous queries, index creation, and data loading. This is the recommended way for working with redisvl in production settings.

from redisvl.index import AsyncSearchIndex
from redis.asyncio import Redis

client = Redis.from_url("redis://localhost:6379")

index = AsyncSearchIndex.from_dict(schema)

# execute the vector query async
results = await index.aquery(query)

Update a schema

In some scenarios, it makes sense to update the index schema. With Redis and RedisVL, this is easy because Redis can keep the underlying data in place while you update to the index configuration.

Imagine you want to re-index this data in the following ways:

  • Use a Tag type for the job field instead of Text.
  • Use an HNSW vector index for the user_embedding field instead of a flat vector index.
# Modify this schema to have what we want

    {"name": "job", "type": "tag"},
        "name": "user_embedding",
        "type": "vector",
        "attrs": {
            "dims": 3,
            "distance_metric": "cosine",
            "algorithm": "flat",
            "datatype": "float32"

# Run the index update but keep underlying data in place
await index.create(overwrite=True, drop=False)

# Execute the vector query
results = await index.aquery(query)

Check index stats

Use rvl to check the statistics for the index:

$ rvl stats -i user_simple

 Stat Key                     Value       
 num_docs                     4           
 num_terms                    0           
 max_doc_id                   4           
 num_records                  20          
 percent_indexed              1           
 hash_indexing_failures       0           
 number_of_uses               2           
 bytes_per_record_avg         1           
 doc_table_size_mb            0.00044632  
 inverted_sz_mb               1.90735e-05 
 key_table_size_mb            0.000165939 
 offset_bits_per_record_avg   nan         
 offset_vectors_sz_mb         0           
 offsets_per_term_avg         0           
 records_per_doc_avg          5           
 sortable_values_size_mb      0           
 total_indexing_time          0.246       
 total_inverted_index_blocks  11          
 vector_index_sz_mb           0.0201416   


# clean up the index
await index.adelete()
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